Sunday 6 January 2013

That was an amazing book. Genius author...
Until the other day, I hadn't read a single book from start to finish in over a year - despite my very job title. I know, it's appalling, but some warped part of me finds humour in that, because turns out it's true what they say: like the body, if the mind isn't given enough exercise, it turns to slush. My laziness over the past few months has reaped the consequences for both mind and body. Both have long been demoted to a jelly like substance with but an empty void inside. It's my own fault. I'm trying to change my ways, though: I'll read more than a book a year and I'm going to ride my bike a lot more. I've tried eating less but... I just... can't do that. I think I'm actually physically addicted to food. I need to be careful about who I say that to, 'cause it doesn't sound good, does it.

Anyway, the reason I'm making a blog post after so long is just to cite this book, really. It's called 'Before I Go to Sleep' by S.J. Watson. I'll be honest: I think the main reason it's had such an impact on me is because it's the first book I've read in nigh on two years, and I'd just forgotten what it was like to read a good bit of fiction. It's an easy read, so I don't need to put the damn book down at the end of every sentence in search of a dictionary. But the plot is just... it's so harrowing. I don't know if either of you (I'm assuming it's only Carts and Aidan reading this) has seen '50 First Dates' with Drew Barrymore, but it's like that, only without any comedy. I haven't finished the book yet but I've devised some theories over how it's going to end. If either of you decides to read it, let me know - I wantcho thoughts! It really gets you thinking, this book. Great book...

There's not really anything else I can think to talk about here, because I tell you both anything of note via MSN/FB anyway. I hope things are going well for you, Aidan. We should indeed meet up for coffee sometime (I won't be drinking any coffee, though).